Ft. DeSoto Daysail - Jan 19th, 2013


Jeff Carr rigs Ghost, his 17.5 Norseboat.


Ghost is a lovely design!


Russ Blagg backs his Potter 15, Merlyn into the water while Lou Adams helps out.


Tom Steinmetz get's ready to cast off his Paradox, a Matt Layden design.


Brenda Bell sailing Rosie Pearl, a SeaPearl Tri, with Miriam Staveley, Judy Karr, and Ann Carol, racing sailors from Englewood.


Sweeping into the pass, Rosie is well sailed!


Jim Tibbs with his O'Day DS 1 was first on the beach.


Frank and Laura Smoot brought their big gun, a 24 foot cat ketch trimaran. And she flies!


Mark Stewart sailing away from Jeff's Norseboat. Thanks for the ride, Jeff!


Check out the skegs on the amas! Also has a leeboard that operates from inside the rear cockpit!


The only way to get a closeup of this boat. When it's stopped!


Dimitri and Marrisa in the distance, foreground is Jeff showing off his Norseboat, Ghost.


Looking east on the beach.


Some of the group having a rest.

Not shown - Bob Wood, and Dennis and Carol Marshall who didn't get out to the island but did launch their boats!
