Fort DeSoto Daysail

September 23rd, 2017

Ron Hoddinott - just back from 2 months in Canada greets the Squadron as they prepare to set sail.


Don Boyko getting his WW Potter ready for a breezy outing.


Carol Marshall in front of their Duckling.



Dan Roeder and the Wayfarer.


Dennis and Carol and Dan and the Wayfarer just off the dock.


Simon and Kristi's Goat Island Skiff on the Shell Key Shore line.


Don's Potter in the shallows.


Tom Lyons' SeaPearl and Don's WW Potter.


Simon's Goat Island Skiff showing her stuff in the breezy afternoon winds.


Great shot of Tom's vintage SeaPearl with lug rig. Tom sailed her across Tampa Bay to be here!


Simon's Goat beached by the campground.


Looking out from Dennis and Carol's campsite.


SeaPearl and Potter at anchor


Dennis and Carol's Duckling making good time.

